

Early Access

Specify what you look for in a job description

specify keywords

Instantly see what the job offers

job overview

Save jobs and track your applications

saved jobs



What job boards are supported?

Currently we only support LinkedIn. But if you'd like a different job board added, definitely let me know! [email protected]

How is my data used?

Data in Bolt generally falls into one of two categories:

  1. Product

    Data in this category power the application and allows you to save and track jobs.

    Examples include: jobs saved, user account data, Google account data (email, name, and profile picture), keywords, session data, etc.

  2. Analytics

    Data in this category help me understand how users interact with the product so I can extend features that are used frequently, and fix or drop features that aren't being used.

    Examples include: button presses, LinkedIn jobs viewed, pages viewed, user interactions, user account data, Google account data (email, name, and profile picture), browser metadata, etc.